Saturday, April 27, 2013

What is a taxonomy?

A taxonomy is a mechanism to logically group categories together into a group. This grouping allows to write business rules and content filtering criteria for the content as well as categories.

Is it possible to assign multiple categories to a content.

Yes, it is possible to assign multiple categories to a content. Assigning multiple categories to a content allows for the content to be filtered based on different criteria and be associated with multiple functionalities.

To implement this you need to uncheck the box to assign only single category.

What is Web Content Integrator (WCI)?

The Web Content Integrator (WCI) is used to import content into a WebContent Manager system using RSS feed format. WCI provides a solution to integrate externally managed Web Content with Web Content Manager and WebSphere Portal.

By using RSS 2.0 standard based feed technologies Web Content Integrator provides loosely coupled mechanism for transferring content and related metadata from another content management system into Web Content Manager and WebSphere Portal.

How will you describe a site area?

Site Area in WCM is like a bucket for storing content. A site area represents a bookshelf of Library which houses books on same subject. Similar to a bookshelf, a site area provides a logical grouping of content together. Site area is also used to write business rules for accessing the content in different ways.

Site ara can also be used to map the content to a Portal Page where is Portal can automatically determine the page and the Portlet which need to be used to display a particular content.

List the ways content can be accessed from IBM Web Content Manager (WCM)?

IBM Web Content Manager (WCM) content can be accessed using following ways:
1. Using Web Content Viewer Portlet to display the output of WCM component like Menu, Navigator, etc.
2. Using WCM API in your custom portlets to access and manage WCM content.
3. Using Pre-Publishing mechanism to publish the entire content in the form of HTML. This content can be accessed rough HTTP Server.

How will you tag a content?

Content can be tagged in two ways:
1. Using Categories
2. Using Keywords